

In an effort to help as many supporters as possible actually see the club they love, Arsenal Station is providing this basic information on how to stream live Arsenal matches on your computer.

First, there are two kinds of streams: webstreams and p2p streams.

Webstreams are exactly what their name implies. You need no software to watch them, because they stream right in your browser. These can vary in quality and can be highly unreliable especially since the Premier League began cracking down on them at the start of this season. Here are websites where you can go on matchdays:


Next, there are p2p streams. These streams require software to view. There are a number of programs that will allow you to watch matches on your computer. These programs work much like bittorrent clients; the more people watching, the better the quality of the stream. To have the best amount of options, I would recommend installing Sopcast, TVU, and TVAnts. Once you have them installed you can use myp2p, a kind of “p2p TV Guide,” to find out on what channels Arsenal are being shown. Just find the match you want to watch and click on the little TV on the right. You may also want to join the Free Football Forum for more listings.

That is pretty much it… You are now ready to hopefully not miss another Arsenal match. If you are using webstreams, it is best to try out each of the sites listed to compare streams since some may have a better picture but the commentary may not be in English. You also want to have backups ready because it is becoming more and more common for streams to be shut down at anytime during a match. If you use a p2p program, you don’t have to worry about that as much, if at all. However, you want to log on to the channel at least 15 minutes before kickoff because it may take a minute to buffer and the longer you’re on the better your picture can be. Enjoy your Arsenal!!!

One Response

  1. I have lost Iraq Goals….can any body help.. please

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